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WhatsApp Scams


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WhatsApp Scams

WhatsApp Scams have endangered the modern-day chain letter that was once a safe-to-use messaging platform. However, malicious WhatsApp fraud is becoming more prevalent nowadays. They either aim to steal your personal information or infect your smartphone with malware.

You can identify which scam you have been dealing with by consulting our guide to frequently occurring WhatsApp frauds.

What are WhatsApp Scams?

WhatsApp sharp practices involve online criminals posing as the victim’s friend before demanding money. The majority of these criminals assume the identity of a friend or family member and request financial assistance by claiming “they urgently have to pay a (large) bill” or “they are facing an emergency and urgently need some money.”

The offenders seem as though they are pressed for time. And hence, this kind of fraud is also known as a “friend or family emergency scam.” Sadly, victims of WhatsApp fraud typically lose thousands of dollars. Given that most of the victims are over 50, age also appears to play a role.

What are the Common WhatsApp Scams?

Several WhatsApp forgeries are currently surging, and the number is expected to expand as frauds get more complex. Look at a few of the most conventional cons listed below.

Voicemail hacking:

It’s typical for cybercriminals to access a user’s WhatsApp account by listening to their voicemail and obtaining their verification code. For example, when you initially install WhatsApp, it sends a text message with a six-digit number to verify your account. Then, using account credentials that have been stolen, a cybercriminal may install WhatsApp on their smartphone.

Since the criminal has contact names, profile photographs, and other information, re-defrauding contacts are frequently simple for them. They choose the option that says they never got the code, which prompts phone verification on WhatsApp, providing the code by text.

The call goes to voicemail because the fraudster contacts the victim simultaneously, knowing that WhatsApp would instantly ring the victim’s phone. The hacker usually succeeds in leaving a voicemail in the victim’s inbox because, in most cases, the victim does not alter the default pin used to secure the inbox. The hacker can take over the account by obtaining the WhatsApp verification code.

WhatsApp hijacking:

Hijacking a user’s WhatsApp account is a standard practice used for fraudulent purposes. Getting the user’s phone number is the first step in hijacking. They download WhatsApp onto their smartphone, contact the victim, claim to be a friend, and simultaneously ask for the victim’s account verification number.

To get the verification code and access the victim’s account, they simultaneously message the victim and claim they provided the code inadvertently.

Impersonation scams:

This fraud often includes the con artist impersonating a friend, relative, or acquaintance, calling the victim from an unknown number (even though the user’s profile image could look familiar), and urgently demanding money. Additionally, the WhatsApp Scam may use pictures of a buddy they’ve located on social media like Instagram or reference activities the user has posted about on websites like Facebook dating.

Malicious links:

External links are an easy way for scammers to publish a URL that directs the receiver to a browser where they must fill out a survey in exchange for a gift. The survey demands victims provide personal data inclusive of their name, address, email address, and bank information.

The fraudster uses these specifics to replicate someone’s identity and sell their details to other parties. Fraudsters generally resort to phishing scams to disperse these malicious links.

Compromised apps:

Although there aren’t any alternative WhatsApp versions accessible on iOS or Android, tales of malware being concealed in previously downloaded applications have been confirmed. In addition, after a user downloads the malicious program, messages are sent to other WhatsApp users with links to the same website, further disseminating the infection.

WhatsApp Wrong Number Scam:

Scammers employ automated chatbots to call potential victims using random numbers in the WhatsApp Wrong Number Scam to get people into discussions and dupe them into falling for their fraudulent schemes.

WhatsApp Dating Scam:

WhatsApp romance scams are one of the latest WhatsApp frauds where artists frequently employ a popular strategy among scammers. It involves taking images of someone who typically looks healthier and appealing to claim to be someone else online.

They often identify as a Soldier, a Doctor, or an Investment enthusiast who tries to lure them into investing in Bitcoins and then manipulate them into transferring coins to their account. They run away with the collected money.

WhatsApp Business Scams:

Scammers approach via WhatsApp business accounts, impersonating renowned businesses and defraud them. They copy the business name with slight changes so that targets find it hard to differentiate it from the genuine one. So you must keep an eye out and check the name and the green tick mark beside it before believing them.

Tinder WhatsApp Scams:

The prevalence of online dating makes WhatsApp dating platforms the ideal weapon for con artists. Tinder WhatsApp forgeries are growing more prevalent as Tinder becomes popular.

How do WhatsApp Scams work?

A scammer sends consumers a WhatsApp spam text purporting to be from a friend or family using their cell phone or a stolen WhatsApp account. They activate your six-digit WhatsApp verification code scam at about the same time you would use to get back into your account.

WhatsApp code scam involves the message that reads, “Your WhatsApp Code is 101-010, Don’t share this code with anyone,” when the code is delivered to you through SMS or email. Then, it would say something like, “Hey, it’s John; I just sent a verification code to your phone instead of mine,” they make it seem like they sent the verification code by mistake. “Would you please forward it?”

Scammers can target all contacts on the victim’s WhatsApp account and read private messages that may include passwords and other sensitive information if the victim passes the code.

How do you recognize WhatsApp fraud?

Even if we’ve mentioned some of the most prevalent scams on WhatsApp, that doesn’t mean that others will never appear. Therefore, you should be aware of a few warning flags to ensure you don’t fall victim to such a scam.

  • WhatsApp Scam messages could always originate from an unknown number if the scammer hasn’t taken over someone’s account.
  • Fraudsters who call you from an unknown number could claim to be a buddy (listed in your contacts) but with a changed WhatsApp Scammer number.
  • Scam emails are frequently written in subpar English with several punctuation mistakes.
  • The message frequently conveys a feeling of urgency, such as an “act now” text, to persuade you to provide sensitive information or pay the price before it is too late.
  • Messages may begin amicably, but the topic of conversation may swiftly turn to money.
  • The con artist may suggest sending money using a method that doesn’t require bank account information, like PayPal.
  • They generally do not upload pictures in WhatsApp stories and have natural scenery as their profile picture.
  • You can try calling them, but they won’t pick up.

How to Protect Yourself from WhatsApp Scams?

Understanding the various kinds of WhatsApp sharp practices and being able to spot them is essential, but It’s preferable if you can stay away from them entirely.

Financial Fund Recovery understands your WhatsApp security concerns. Check out the recommendations listed below to improve your chances of avoiding WhatsApp scams:

  • For instance, if a message claims to be from PayPal, you should long-press the link it contains and check the URL to determine if the internet address corresponds to the PayPal official website.
  • Typically, messages requesting money from unknown numbers are malicious. Before taking action, we advise you to confirm with your buddy via a different mode of contact.
  • Try calling the unknown contact number; if no one picks up, send an SMS to your friend’s former phone asking if they are calling you.
  • You can also put a barrier between you and a fraudster by adding a pin code to your voicemail service, preventing them from collecting WhatsApp verification codes from your voicemail.
  • Turn on 2-step verification for WhatsApp. Once enabled, WhatsApp will notify you when someone attempts to log in from a different smartphone by sending a verification code to your default device.
  • Examine the language used in the communication and consider whether this unknown contact seems familiar to you.
  • See whether the spelling and grammar seem different from what you expect.
  • If someone contacts you claiming to represent your bank or mobile phone provider and demands an urgent payment, consider the message’s credibility and how much of a difference delaying payment could make before responding.
  • In your reply to WhatsApp spam messages, ask the con artist a question that only your contact would know the answer to (like the age of their cat). It’s very likely fraud if they don’t respond.
  • Have you received a WhatsApp request for a verification code? Consider whether the code is the one you requested before you check your mailbox (or use another verification technique) and provide the information.

What to do if you are a Victim of a WhatsApp Scam?

The first thing to understand about scams is that they may happen to anyone and don’t say anything about a person’s intelligence. One shouldn’t feel guilty for clicking the incorrect link or providing the incorrect text response since con artists and criminals improve their techniques and develop new strategies.

The specifics of the losses will determine whether the victim will be able to recover their money or not. You are advised by Financial fund Recovery to carefully read this information so that you may understand how scammers use WhatsApp, and how you can avoid falling for their tricks, successfully recovering your money.

WhatsApp Scams may come to you in the form of a fake friend, but Financial Fund Recovery can be your reliable rescue through it. Avail of free consultation and recover your funds now!


With the information needed to open your account on other devices, tricksters can easily access your account. So you must exercise caution with your information.

WhatsApp began its journey in February 2009.

As claimed by the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission, a receptacle of WhatsApp scammers, Australia has reported losing $7 million in 2022 alone.

If you suspect being a victim to the ever growing Whatsapp scams, consult the recovery expert – Financial Fund Recovery and get your money back!


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