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Keep Your Crypto Safe from Hackers with these Security Tips


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If a hacker gets their hands on your DoorDash password, how many other accounts would they gain access to? If your answer is anything but zero, it says a lot about your password hygiene and the security of your digital accounts.

This Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we have put a simple guide that will help you protect your value crypto from complicated hacks,

Use a Password Manager

Remembering passwords is not everyone’s forte, and hence many of us end up choosing simple phrases and repeating them across all websites and platforms. Password managers generate strong, secure passwords and store them without requiring the strength of your memory.

Enable 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)

2FA can keep your account secure even if a hacker gets access to your password. Choose a strong 2FA authenticator to ward off all possibilities of hacks.

Protect See Phrase

A seed phrase is a series of 12 to 24 words that is a key to a non-custodial crypto wallet. If your seed phrase is stolen, all your crypto in that wallet is theirs. If you end up losing or deleting your wallet, your seed phrase is all you need to restore it.

Keep Things Low-Key

Bragging about gains on the Internet can make you an easy target for cybercriminals. So, be humble to avoid unnecessary attention from hackers.

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